terça-feira, 21 de maio de 2013

Papel para Scrapbooking

Tenho visto muitas fotos, muitos trabalhos usando papel de scrapbook em encadernações, até em partes móveis!! Como minhas experiências com papéis para scrap não foram muito felizes (hoje, uso somente como guarda cortada), saí à procura das razões. Achei esta matéria no blog Badger & Chirp, de quem não tenho licença para reproduzir aqui. Se for um problema, Badger, coment e eu retiro o post.

Segue o texto:
A few words about scrapbook paper:

Scrapbook paper is meant to be cut, stamped, written on and glued onto. This type of paper is usually not made to be folded over hardcover books. And that's a key point. No fold well, no put on book. Most scrapbook papers have a core in it that is white, which is printed on with a decorative print, and the kind of inks used for the print will usually quickly wear off the surface of the scrapbook paper when glued onto a book, especially along the edges of the book. It was made to sit under plastic sheets with delicate photos on top of it and to be handled carefully. There are some scrapbook papers that might do well, but in our experience they are few. If it's a paper you are absolutely in love with, you may wish to test it and see how well it folds and wears before putting it on a book. Otherwise, we'd suggest keeping these types of papers for endsheets if used in a way that doesn't need to be folded.

Ótimo quando alguém ilumina a parte de sombra do seu trabalho...Thanks, Badger & Chirp...

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